Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lord Byron, by Quentin Blake

Lord Byron as portrayed by Quentin Blake in his "Informal Panorama" of famous figures-- sort of a quixotic Bayoux Tapestry-- for the 2009 octocentenary (i.e. 800th anniversary) of Cambridge University. Whoever orchestrated the project is a genius. You may recognize Quentin Blake's style from his work illustrating Roald Dahl's books such as The Witches, Matilda and The BFG. [Image: Simple pen drawing-- or cartoon, really-- colored in with fresh bright, loose watercolors, depicting Lord Byron leaning cavalierly against a dog (or bear?) while he pats its head and reads some papers. Admiring male scholars look on from the left and adoring busty ladies swoon on the right. Behind them all are a large body of water, purple mountains and billowing clouds, with the words, "Byron 1805" scrawled across the top. The dashing figure of Byron appears unaware of the stir he causes, his unruly locks of wind-tossed hair and conspicuously tight pants completing the image.]

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