Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sagittarius, April 2019: I draw your horoscope

From my April 2019 horoscope project, where I illustrated a common thread in the online horoscopes for each sign.

Final image:
drawing for Sagittarius April 2019, by Ciana Pullen / St. Rhinocéros
Sagittarius's creative energy and emotional connection is in full bloom this month. [Image description: black and white ink line drawing of a woman floating above an abundance of flowers that appear to be magically falling or emerging from her hands. The figure is lit from below and shaded darkly at the top, with a white heart in silhouette over her chest. Her long hair is lifted as if in mid-leap. She wears an art nouvea or Grecian style toga. Flowers fill the bottom third of the image, and a geometric border of petals frames her behind her head.]

*for entertainment purposes only.

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