Saturday, March 21, 2020

More entertainment: Napoleon's wedding cake

As promised, more entertainment for the quarantine and sheltering-at-home crowd. This is a professional recreating an historic recipe by Napoleon's pastry chef. And it is INSANE. Prepare yourself for an epic new definition of "labor intensive."

1 comment:

  1. sketched a small picture of my three grandchildren one Saturday morning at the markel on the square in Charleston. Perhaps 10 years would remember being in Charleston.

    I gave it to my daughter and since then no one has matched you work....and she has tried even in Paris.From the looks of your blog, you have long since passed portraits on the sidewalk. Regardless, it is worth a try to ask you to do another of my grandchildren (from, a photograph as before). Please consider my request.


    Frazier Hollis
